Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
4012 |
1846 Enumeration of the Jews of Fraustadt, Prussia, The |
Walters, Judith |
304.6072 |
1920 Federal Population Census, The |
U.S. Government |
American Heritage Abroad |
Amer.Heritage Abroad |
American Jewish Archives-f/w1991,sp/s1992,s/s/1993 |
973.04 |
American Jewish Historical Quarterly |
Kraus, F. |
301.4519 |
American Jewish Year Books-1990-1991-1992 |
301.452 |
American Jewry |
Marcus, Jacob |
940.5404 |
American Jews in WW II |
Kaufman, Isidor |
940.55404 |
American Jews in WW II |
Kaufman, Isidor |
929.1072 |
American Passenger Arrival Records |
Tepper, Michael |
American Sephardi, The - 1978 |
943.9 |
Ancestors Of Our Children, The |
Abrams, Maynard |
920.0092 |
Archival Sources for the Study of Canadian Jewry |
Tapper, Lawrence |
220.95 |
Asimov’s Guide To The Bible-Old/New |
Asimov, Isaac |
929.1025 |
Assoc.of Professional Jewish Genealogists 1999 Directory |
911.56 |
Atlas of Jewish History |
Beinart, Haim |
911.56 |
Atlas of Jewish History |
Gilbert, Martin |
947.652 |
Autobiography of my Father, The: Lazer |
Yanow, Leonard |
Avotaynu-Spring 1989-Fall 2001 |
Avotaynu |
929.1072 |
Beginners & Intermediate genealogical workbook |
JGS of Palm Beach County |
943.155 |
Berlin- In Photographs -(in German) |
Verlag, Rembrandt |
Folder |
Beth David,Mt.Sinai,Shalom Mem(Riverside Gordon Mem) |
Dade County Cemetery Locator |
961 |
Between East and West: History of Jews of North Africa |
Chouraqui |
Box 15 |
Bi-Monthly research |
Godfrey |
943.8 |
Bialystok, Photo Album of Renowned City & Its Jews |
Sohn, David |
943.8 |
Bialystok, Photo Album of Renowned City & Its Jews |
Wisniewski,Tomasz |
920.073 |
Biography and Genealogy Master List |
McNeil, Barbara |
920 |
Book of Israelite Family |
Kouchel, Bernard |
Box 14 |
Branches |
940.54 |
Brigade,The |
Blum, Howard |
974.71 |
Brotherhood of Memory: Jewish Landmanshaftn in the New World |
Weisser, Michael |
982.11 |
Buenos Aires |
Dawidowich, Dawid |
961 |
Call From Our Ancestors Ukraine & Poland |
Silverman, Boomi |
974.71 |
Carved in Granite |
Poplack, Alvin M |
974.71 |
Cemeteries |
Sohn, David |
909.04 |
Century of Jewish Life, A |
Elbogen, Ismar |
929.1072 |
Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy |
Rose, Christine |
920 |
Descendents of Itzak Ribak, The |
Weiner, Lillian |
943.086 |
Destruction of the European Jews, The |
Hilberg, Raul |
929.402 |
Dict. Of Jewish Names and their History, A |
Kaganoff, Benzion |
929.408 |
Dict. Of Jewish Surnames from the King. of Poland, A |
Beider, Alexander |
929.408 |
Dict. Of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Emp, A |
Beider, Alexander |
833.9 |
Die Wassertrager Gottes (in German) |
Sperber, Manes |
16.909 |
Directory of Jewish Archival Institutions-1975 |
929.1089 |
Discovering Your Jewish Ancestors |
Krasner-Khait, Barbara |
301.452 |
Early American Jewry: Jews of NY,New England and Canada |
Marcus, Jacob |
301.452 |
Early American Jewry: Jews of Pennsylvania & the South |
Marcus, Jacob |
943.8 |
Eastern Europe Collection, The |
Goodmart, Arthur L |
389.1094 |
Economic Activities of Jews of Amsterdam in the 17th & 18th century |
Bloom, Herbert I. |
920.973 |
Eminent American Jews: 1776 to the present |
Madison, Charles |